THE KINSTON FREE PRESS WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1915 EVERY FAMILY NEEDS THIS SPLENDID REMEDY Compound of Simple Laxative Herbs Recommended for Constipation. When a remedy has stood the test of critical analysis and strong competition for over a quarter of a century and establishes itself as the indispensable household remedy in thousands of homes, it is pretty good evidence of its efficacy. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup. Pepsin has been on the market since 1889, its use being gradually extended until now it is generall regarded by druggists as the staple family laxative.
It is a combination of simple laxative herbs, free from opiates or narcotic drugs. gentle in its action and positive in effect. It costs only fifty cents a bottle and can be purchased in drug stores everywhere. Mr. Frank Kilma, of 2309 Ashland wrote Dr.
Caldwell recently that he had tried about everything without being helped until he got a bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, which he con- Xmas Giving This problem is solved when you enter our store. So many useful and attractive articles moderately priced. CHAS. A.
WATERS The Store Telephone 89 Z. V. MOSELEY, M. D. I PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, Office Next -pole Drag Co to 9 p.
PHONES to 11 to p. Residence -11a Office hours DR. C. C. HARPER DENTIST Ollice Over Postallice.
OF LOCAL INTEREST SPLENDID REMEDY MR. FRANK KILMA siders the greatest known remedy for indigestion, constipation and stomach troubles. Get. a bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin from your druggist and keep it in the house.
A trial bottle, free of charge, can be obtained by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 454 Washington Monticello, Ill. AGED WOMAN SUFFERED A STROKE OF PARALYSIS Mother of Mrs.
Moreadeth of Was Badly, Burned When She Was Stricken In Front of Fireplace at Duplin Home Mrs. Barbara C. Morendith, 68, died Friday night near Chinquepin as the result of a paralytic stroke. She was stricken Wednesday evening. The funeral was held Sunday.
Mrs. Moreadith was sitting or standing in front of an open fireplace when she suffered the stroke. She fell upon the hearth, with one foot in the fire. The shoo was entirely burned off and the foot fearfully burned before her plight was discovered. The injury may have hastened death.
The deceased was the mother of L. T. Moreadith, a salesman. of Independent street. this city.
ARRESTED FOR ASSAULT WITH DEADLY WEAPON. Will Jones, white, was arrested on Monday for public drunkenness and an attempt to use a knife on Guy Taylor at the iron bridge. Jones is said to be a brother of Wiley Jones, who it is understood, was recently in trouble at Elizabeth City for an affray on a Norfolk Southern train. Wiley Jones, a resident of this county, was reported to have been injured while returning from Norfolk, but officials say he was not hurt, but in the custody of the authorities. He is said to have returned home Monday night.
A basket party and bazaor will be held in New Hope schoolhouse next Friday night for the benefit of a local parsonage. Misses Mamie Dudley and Mary Jeffries are the teachers. MARRIAGE LICENSES. To two colored couples: George Reeves, 38, and Carrie Fields, 36, both of LaGrange; Henry Sutton, 21, and Cora Wood, 19, both of the county. MARRIAGE LICENSES.
CHURCHILL COMPANY COMMENCES BUSINESS. The Churchill Company, comprised by R. F. Churchill, B. R.
Taylor and Ray West, recently organized, has gotten down to business near the old stand of R. F. Churchill Co. They are conducting a general feed, brick, shingles and lumber business. SHOT AT STOREBREAKER.
Patrolman Claud Sumrell fired four shots at an unidentified mulatto storebreaker, whom he surprised in an attempt to gain entrance through a rear window to the Pearson grocery at Queen and King streets, early this morning. The man escaped in the dark through backlots. He is believed not to have been struck by either of the bullets fired at him. DEATH OF DEEP RUN PLANTER THIS MORNING Mr. Claud Stroud died at his home in the Deep Run section this morning as the result of a paralytic stroke suffered Monday, He was about 45 years of age and a planter in moderate circ*mstances.
Mr. Stroud was a nephew of Elder Henry Cunningham, one of the county's best-known men. He in survived by his wife and six children. SEVERAL INJURED IN WOODINGTON RUNAWAY. When mules drawing a wagon in which a number of Woodington people were returning from a religious meeting became frightened at automobile and ran away, late Saturday, according to a report not had here until Monday evening, Mrs.
Alice Loftin sustained a broken collarbone, Roy Loftin: a broken leg and other injuries, and Miss Ella Kinsey severe bruises. Several others were more or less shaken up and bruised. DEATH OF INFANT. The baby son of Mr. and Mrs.
an Tilley died Saturday night ly before midnight at the home Mre. Alice Hunter, on Caswell where Mr. and Mrs. Tilley are ing. The little one was only weeks of age, and had been in health since birth.
Bring Your Family Here For Their Needs We Have Now The Biggest Stock We Ever Had. This gives your family a chance to buy everything they need hom us, whether Clothing, Shoes, Dress Goods and Hats. The volume of business we have has made prices lower, and the man with a family should take notice of this when considering where to go. Shoes and Dresses Dress Goods and for the Little Other Dry Goods Ones. For the woman with Here is the store the a family.
We want children love to come you to see us before to. They find SO buying. Nowhere can many pretty things you find a prettier for them. Beautiful $17. line of Dress Goods assortment of Coats for yourself and chiland Dresses for them.
dren, and better asLadies' Shoes sortment Dry Goods. A pretty as well as Boys' Suits serviceable line, and For the little ones as in all grades. well as the big ones. New York Clothing Co. A.
Thos P. Noe, Archdeacon of the Diocese of East Carolina, spent the morning in Kinston with Rev Jno. H. Griffith. The Archdeacon and Rev.
Mr. Griffith went to Snow Hill this afternoon, where they have services Sunday morning and evening. There will eno services in St. Mary's or Christ churches here. WOODMEN UNVEIL STONE TO DECEASED, SOVEREIGN.
Woodmen of the World unveiled a gravestone to the late Albert Rouse in the Whitehall section Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Very few were in attendance from Kinston, but LaGrange and Seven Springs sent hundreds of Woodmen and others to the exercises. The Seven Springs band led the music. JUNIORS HEAR SERMON IN CASWELL ST. CHURCH.
Rev. E. N. Harrison, pastor of Caswell Street Methodist church, preached a special sermon to members of the Jr. Order U.
A. Sunday morning. It is the custom of this order to have its members hear a religious discourse at Thanksgiving time and here the honor this year was Mr. Harrison's, although he is not a member. CHAUFFEUR EXONERATED.
The Recorder Saturday dismissed the charge against Henry Arthur, white chauffeur of an automobile which collided with the car of Mr. P. A. Hodges on the Central highway on a night several weeks ago. Mr.
Holges was badly hurt in the accident, and the escape of young ladies who were in the car driven by Arthur was narrow. Mr. Hodges testified that the chauffeur was not to blame. FUNERAL OF JAMES F. WOOTEN AT LAGRANGE.
A large number of Kinston people attended the funeral of the late Jas. F. Wooten, who died in a Baltimore hospital Saturday night, at LaGrange Monday afternoon. Hundreds of relatives and friends from LaGrange and the surrounding country stood with bowed heads as the last rites were conducted. The La Grange band, of which Mr.
Wooten was a benefactor, played "Nearer, My God, to Thee" and "Jesus, Lover of My Soul." MURDER IN DUPLIN COUNTY SATURDAY. News was received here Monday of the killing of a negro unknown to the informant by Jud. Kirby, another black. Kirby has but one arm. He is at large.
It is said the men engaged in an altercation on the farm of William Herring, in the Chinquepin section, and that Kirby stabbed the other in the throat. Both men were employed as teamsters by a lumbering company, and had just put their animals away for the night on Saturday evening when the crime was committed. ACCIDENTAL SHOOTING; VICTIM MAY SUCCUMB A belated report from Trenton teils of an accidental shooting in Jones county on Thanksgiving Day as the I result of which Will Oxley may die. The gun of Will Jarman, who was hunting with Oxley, was accidentally discharged, the load entering the body of the unfortunate man. The wounded man was carried to Trenton for medical attention.
His condition. is precarious. MAX GARDNER IS IN DANGEROUS CONDITION Salisbury, Nov. The condition of 0. Max Gardner of Shelby, who was intured here Wednesday night when Southern Railway train No.
38 struck the read coach of a special train standing in the yards, is regarded as critical. Mr. Gardner is at a local hospital and at midnight it was stated that he was desperately ill. OUR JITNEY OFFER -This and 5e DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with five cents to Foley Chicago, writing your name and address clearly.
You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup. Foley Kidney Pills, and Foley Cathartic Tablets, For sale by J. E. Hood Co. adv You May Consider Style and The vitally important point in clothes buyingand they are important, but it is fabric quality and workmanship that really count.
We know of no clothing which, in point of style and fitting quality, is superior to that from The House of URLEE LOTHES NO MORE $15 NO LESS ELI NAGHAM SON The Big Home Stores 126-128 N. Queen Street Telephone 410-J Complete Line of Mercerized Crochet Cotton Crochet Needles, Flesher's Shetland Floss in all Colors. THE ONE PRICE CASH STORE A. J. SUTTON Phone 34 Prep We Are Insured against burglary and hold-ups.
Our ceposzors are protected. We take no chances. Our motto has always been "Safety therefore we have burglar-proof safes, and insurance in addition. Keep your money where i it will be safe. FARMERS MERCHANTS BANK Kinston, N.
C. Dr. Albert D. Parrot Physician and Surgeon K'inston, N. C.
Office Back of Hood's Drug Store Ladies' Handkerchiefs We are showing the most complete line of Ladies' Handkerchiefs ever offered here. New Dainty Patterns. Prices 5c to $1 Each. Barrett Hartsfield Fit Attention! Auto Owners We are overstocked on Auto Casings and Tubes. In order to reduce our stock, we will sell for a few days only at the following prices, strictly net cash: 30x3 at 7.75 $2.20 10.10 2.85 11.60 3.05 32x4 15.75 3.65 34x4 16.90 3.85 18.00 4.10 23.85 5.10 37x5 27.80 6.05 Buy your tires now before someone else gets your size.
Kinston Garage, Inc. Telephone 414 Bry-1 shortof street, staytwo feeble Special Sale of Coat Suits and Millinery. Our entire stock of Coat Suits, value $14.00, $17.50 and $22.50. This week $9.95, $12.45 and $15.95. One lot of Trimmed Hats $1.45 One lot of Trimmed Hats, all new, velvet shapes, worth up to $3.95, for this week $1.95 New Silk Shirt Waists $1.00 New Crepe.
de chine Shirt with plaids and stripes $2.00 Adler Brothers Men's Friends An old, serviccable knife that never MUSTER balks, that's always ready for work, becomes almost a friend- -you hate to part with it. But in buyirg a Enife you cannot tell by examination. what sort of service it will give unless you buy the kind whose durability and wearing qualities are guaranteed. KEEN KUTTER Pocket Knives UTTER are the se: viceable-friend kind. You are absolutely sure of satisfaction when you buy them.
You know they have the finest, strongest blades, tempered exactly right for keen, lasting edges. Every detail is given careful attention, so that springs, joints, rivets, linings and handles will last as long as the SIMMONS almost indestructible blades. KEEN. I Keen Kutter Knives are fully guaranteed. KUTTER TRADE St MARIS We sell them E.