WEDNESDAY, J.ULY 21. 191S THE KINSTON FREE PRESS SEVEN Typhoid Infantile Baptism of Fire Greeted Mr. Harry Mestayer's Entrance In Motion Picture Plays Paralysis mi a trm tnltiAfl JUfjcrcuiosisj relentlessly and thus protect your home and -3fl from the ravages of the so disease and filth bearing pests, Typhoid KflFPARfVQ TfniTCr ITT nmVITO AIVI1 IMQFTT EXTERMINATOR i'l poitlvelf kill all flin. moiauitni. moths, mats.
anla. roarhea. bad bam. fieal and Harry Mestayer la one of the roost prominent actors on the American stage. He has as Hip other insect, Hariuleis to human beings, but iuio tleath to iuartta and varoiiu.
PROMINENT HEALTH OFFICIALS ENDORSE AND RECOMMEND IT. At a mccnt teat at WaKlilnittnn 300 fll wcro llbrratrd In a room 11 20 frt and nimea Itvm a bnttta t.f htitarrl'H Hoiw My Itrlv.T bnd 1 unn't KnruilnNUir vr. ap(arl In th air. After a rVw nili.iilKtKYerjr ur 1 1 Dm as drail The miniva IliU It cvrllAmt to bt A. Mnrray.
M. supu of tieaiiu, Watlilugiuu, L). and C. II. fuituou, lumel luTcaitgalur, 0.
b. ipt. ot Agil- CUllUIB. VnuowATiuirxOranil (kmlly protoctlon tralnttilU'eaM carrying lnaecti. Doa't wait Bntll It If iou iai.
ii jour uuaivr t'KUUuiftuppij yuu wrtia SUEPARO'S CHEMICAL CO, WILMINGTON, N. sumed leading roles In many Important stage pro-ductlons and comes from a line of theatrical people. He bag written herewith his experiences as a leading man in the Selig Red Seal play. "The Millionaire Baby." tf HAKRT MESTATEB. "Two years ago If anyone had approached me with a contract to appear in motion Ideal Chrtottan Home School.
Preparatory an( Collglte count. Art. FwtrMlnn. I'hyskal Culture. Pedadoa'v.
Domestic Srtenr. limine. rZ. "I Have Saved Hlml" acrvatory of Music Highttandard maintained br largertaff of experienced, college trained instructor. Take onlv 100 tviarHprt i.H ImHim PLOT TO WRECK PLANTS MAKING WAR SUPPLIES New Britain Mayor Asks Secret Service Men's Aid Foreigners of German Origin With Big Stock of Explosive Arrested In the Connecticut City Today failures of stage stars when they ap pear beforo the cumt ra.
They fall to passed health record. Brkk buildings. Steam heat. Electric light. Excellent table.
Good Gymnasium. Park-like campus. Concerts, lectures tennis, fcasawt. boll. Write fur our catalog before selecting the college for your daughter.
GEORGE J. RAMSEY, M. A-, LL President. Raleigh, N. C.
OXFORD COLLEGE 1915 1850 to enter the shack. Suddenly, however, the flames leaped up, fanned by a breeze which suddenly swooped down on us, and the other player and myself found that we were within the four walls of a blazing furnace, the door having caught fire, too. "Our first Impulse, naturally, was to make our escape in the quickest manner possible, but both of us realized that if wo did it would require the rebuilding of the shack and repeating of the many efforts we had in getting the scene to the point we had reached, so we determined to make an effort to carry out our parts in the gamest manner possible. We rushed through the (lames to the door and then with my fellow player 1 staggered through the door and out in front of the camera, where we both fell exhausted. When I saw the picture I easily understood why the director told us we had done very well, for the way we both sank to the ground was realistic in every detail.
"This scene also called for a rr.ln effect and the water pouring down upon us added to our discomfort This is merely one incident of the dangers to which a picture player is exposed. I would not have gone through that much in ten years on the stage, but the fact that I now can have my own home and keep regular hours ever) day more than makes up for all. "I presume most of my readers know that 'The Millionaire Baby' was adapted to the screen from the story by Anna Katherine Green, and I am sure that those who have read the works of this noted writer will agree with me when I say that her plots are more battling, than those created by any other writer of the present day. There were scenes in the production where the slightest show of any kind of emotion would have disclosed the denouement end ruined the entire effect of the picture, so you can imagine how I felt at first playing close up to the camera and having to hold every muscle of my face tense when I had been used to being far away from the audience, with the footlights between us, where facial expression is a secondary consideration. "This is one of the causes for many New Britain, July 17.
Mayor Quigley today requested government secret service men here to investigate what is believed to be a plot to wreck local factories working on war orders for the Aillies. Two men, said to be of German origin, were arrested and a quantity of dynamite found in their rooms. realize that everything they do Is recorded by the camrra and that a slip which might to unnoticed on the stage will ruin a whole seme in a film drama and possibly spoil the entire production if it is not retaken. One ot the most difficult scenes in 'The Millionaire Baby' was the one in which the child is stolen. 'I ho skill of handling this so as not to 'Mir the whole story depended more upon the men who retouched the film after the director had finished with it than upon the players, and I understand that these men worked till the wee small hours several nights in succession.
"Had the players who supported ma in this production been other than they were I do not doubt but what my lot would have been anything but an enjoyable one, but as it was we were Jpst like one big family from the very Oxford, North Carolina Correspondence invited with girls purposing to attend College next session. COURSES: i Literary Preparatory and Collegeate. Music, Art, Pedagogy, Expression, Business, Home Economics, (Domestic Science and Domestic Art. Specialists of experience in all departments. I were presented through such widely different mediums, and this novelty relieved the monotony ot such a steady grind.
"1 will try to tell you some of the interesting things which occurred during the Aiming of the big scenes for 'The Millionaire The first one that comes to my mind, and one which I will remember for a long, long time, was a fire scene in which I was supposed to rescue another actor, who was playing the part of my employer, from a burning building. Our director tried using smokepots, but these did not give the realistic effect which he desired, so he determined that the shack which had been erected in the large yard of the studio would have to be burned and that tins two of us who were to appear in the scene would have to undertake what is termed by the players 'a In other words, we would have to run the risk ot being injured for the sake of realism. "The other player was placed In the shack and the fire started. The 'business' of my part called for my rushing into the building and carrying the other man out through the smoke and flames and "off" the scene. Oil wae sprinkled on various parts of the Ghack, but not around the doot through which we were to exit while 1 was doing tho "rescue." All appeared to be going nicely as I made my way past the camera and started pictures I would have turned down the offer.
And yet, like many other actors, 1 have seen the light. The change of heart was not compulsory, for I came to realize that In motion pictures of higher class the conscientious actor has as great an opportunity for artistic work as on the spoken stage. 1 considered at some length, too, before 1 affiliated permanently with any motion picture concern, and 1 chose the Selig Polyscope company because of the enviable reputation attained by the Selig spectacular productions and artistio environments made possible by the careful supervision of Mr. William N. Selig.
"When I started to work in 'The Millionaire naby' in the Chicago studios of the Selig Polyscope company I was also appearing in the lead in a dramatic production on the speaking stage at one of the leading theaters in that city. This placed me under quite a strain and all I did for several weeks was work and sleep and very little of the latter. I was at the studio every at 8:30 and worked steadily until 6-or 6:30 in the afternoon. Then I rushed downtown and, after a rather hurried supper, sped io the theater in time to appear on the stage at 8:15. "It was quite an experience to be working in two characters which were themselves so different and which F.
P. HOBGOOD, President Catalogue sent on application. RHODE ISLAND STREET CAR MEN WILL GO BACK TO WORK. Providence, R. July 16 Through a proposition that Mayor Joseph H.
Gainer act as an arbitrator, the street car strike which has paralyzed the Rhode Island Company's system for the past two days, was in a fair way to settlement late today. It is expected that the 2,400 men on strike will go back to work tomorrow moment we began work. It was this perfect team work in the many trying scenes that gave the film the finished effect which I am sure will prove a delight to audiences wherever it is shown. I have nothing but praise for all the players and the director and, above all, for William N. Selig, the SCOTT WALER CO.
"The Old Reliable" Slate and tin Roofing of all kinds. Tobacco Flues that fit. Work Guaranteed Quick Service. man who is behind the many splendid productions presented by bis company, and whose orders to his directors are: 'Make a picture regardless of cost and make one that they will remember." DEATH FOR WOMEN'S NEWS OTHER TOWNS TWO ASSAILANTS. WANTED NOW Right now when hay fever is attacking its victims and when asthma is causing so much distress, there is a demand for Foley's Honey and Tar Compound the remedy that brought relief to thousands in prtvious years.
Don't continue to suffer. It will help you. Contains no opiates. J. E.
Hood Richmond. July 15. With mili- CAROLLINA county circuit court today on the charge of attacking Mrs. Burnley Coleman and her daughter, Miss Eu-la Coleman, in Rappahannock Academy, last Sunday night. The negroes were sentenced to die in the electric chair August 20.
tVhenevcr You Need Qeneral Tonic Take (irove The Old-Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains tl well known tonic propertiesof QUININ3 and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the lilod and Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents. 189 Telephone aa held ready to protect them in case of an attempted lynching, Clarence Roy and John Rollins, two negroes, were -speedily tried in the Caroline It 4a tm dttfaUMIBalBiiUb atro i ze Ho dust The home of Lathcl and Ben Leary, brothers and aged bachelors, on Goose Creek Island, is said to have been robbed of from $7,000 to $20,000 in their absence from the house. The men were misers and kept their savings in a small safe, the combination to which had been solved by the unknown thief.
C. McNairy, superintendent of the Casjwell Training School here, made an-address before the Onslow Medical Society' at "Jacksonville on "Feeble-Mindedness." Jesse AndrVws, white, arrested in Duplin county on the charge of moon-shining, has been released under $500 bail. rranrxn rn "d) To) SB tJ STATE OFFICIAL FORGOT LIFE AND DEATH MATTER. Columbus, S. July 16.
Electrocution of Bogus Sanders, a Columbia negro convicted of murder, was stay-. cd at the last moment today when his counsel obtained by telegraph from Solicitor Cobb, attending a fraternal convention at St. Paul, information for prison officials, that an appeal to the Supreme Court staying ex-left here without advising the prison ecution had been The solicitor Jeft here without advising the prison officials, they declared. SCOty FILLED WITH ROCK GOES DOWN AT LOOKOUT. 'i'New Bern, July 15.
Between four nd five hundred tons of stone and a large scow worth several thousand dollars, went to the bottom two miles oft Cape Lookout yesterday afternoon, when the craft, which was carrying the-stone to the harbor of refuge, was intended for use in the construction of the breakwater, ran jp.tfoul of squall and turned We are Equipped to Handle Your Orders for High Grade Job Printing. Orders Carefully and Promptly Executed. We Make the Best Grade LETTER HEADS, WEDDING INVITATIONS, ENVELOPES, CARDS FOR ALL PURPOSES, POSTERS, CIRCULARS, LARGE AND SMALL We have Connections with Engravers and Blank Book Makers which enable us to Promptly-Handle Orders for Engraving and all kinds of Blank Book Making. 'KDKSTON COMPANY, Done. Publisffers and Job Printers THEY WRITE EVERY DAY Every doy Foley Co, receive let-' ters from grateful men and women, telling how Foley Kidney Pills cured .4, them of backache, sore muscles, stiff joints and other kidney and bladder troubles.
Is very quick to relieve lumbago and rheumatism due to kidney trouble. No other remedy has a longer record of cures. Hood vG adv 99. 6 6 A ny I li i i .1 CI Children Cry FC3 FLETCHER'S CASTORIA.