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12 Motets Rod Mob! Ille13li Forms tionettes Page C16 TI1E SACRAMENTO BEE Tuesday March 1971 121 Boodneitot ppori unit ion upporieensitem hom*o For Salo MOBILE PKS Mona- MARINAS Pi Iet 101v 210S 16th St 4141161) 1 13 Commercial Lids a nd For Nolo -LOOMIS BASIN REALTY 9 A oft ramp tiwy PO at Ground Cow Restautont Vol) ruiit Ildt 00w lOtiOd S6a4000 terrIlL LO011iN 1206 alto IAe live -crook- Zoned- A14 for Mobile Homes Hoxos ROSS 2-ARMER REM TY 988 02611 20 ACRES Allalla in Wodland sl800 Per are All or hall Sullor will corrx 0 Boo Box MOS154 121 Heal Cminto tionnol REALTY CO Fast Servite 809 Street 1ST 8 2ND Real Estate Loan DON SI I- Pill NS LOMPANY 482S4 kohl Reath 1 ves 481-9506 isi 2nd LOANS FOR 1944110es commer1(11 resk1ent161 income et 4814392 27 Units III Pool Bird Isr For Sala and 11ant eat 51AMESE cat Vounis-MAIL s12so Da 1 4219b1 130 GAL: Aottarium complete Ina fish So0 JSJ-181 MALE purebrpd Whippet i osold sot itice 262 I Shelties AKC Rec Malefem 97511a 46J 99 black vate DALMATIONS AKC shoti 3 ma aid $0 to $100 9V16036 5 KEESHOND pups AKC $759100 Stud Se vIce Mt Motel close to downtown Secto FOR SALE: Homes 'creams Home for owner or manager Pool 1 lAnches V111 show Strout Realty Oniv $14100 full orke will cerry or i 3141 Del Plso fit Sac 'OS 533 trade tor deco of ti Of Call Ja( HolloNdy keollor 2929 El Camino LASeSrEnhl County 1101ATieleivieri n' I Ile eer 1 I Raver-Rd S100 ig16) 403 WIS 120 Shlfter Ave PaLitiC Co ove lop LOCATION Alms! on Acr4F of C2 In Coml chaers prime development orea 4 (poor renielo Howl FAIR OAKS BLVD See this moll Dial ROSALIL TABARRACLI 96-2000 Donovan-Ravizza-Witzel 110 Mouninin Proporly NEVADA CITY- 440 JAW awl cAmeto7 Exclusive all year mobile home lots lake Wilmer neat Oroville Lake Wile Soling Valley Ranch RI I Box 234 la ACRES between Orals Valley Auburn Kuli ir WO with (env tree' view and a Wring Ktel' lent terms Call Robert (Al away 442-2991 or 455-1153 or wrile Box 012 Sarramento Agent WATER WELLS BRYANT KENNFIRY DRILL ING Co Serving Mountain Foothill Area Weiler guaranteed (916) 961-9244 BEAUTIFUL 10 acre retirement or vacatien homesite near Br OWI-M Beata meattoW oak glove Year round stream no spring in tricorn Must bee to appreciale Elec paving to property $44110 P11 121191 815-24911 835 054 Bear Creek Ranch 460 'Web 3 creeks lake Older 5 btirm home 110150 balm tenced apples 3181A00 ROSS DAVIDSON Realtor owner 481-88118 CASH FOR TRIM DEEDS CASH I-OR REAL EST AI I LOANS HOFI Ft ER REALTY 25s0 VAL 'LEY ROAD 481 SMALL PAYMENTS I ND MOR I LAGFS SI NO SWAM Our Cssits Hrst Fireside TN IN Sacramento Rostivitie Marirsville 1 I 1 SHOP area fully equipped essellent business down Ownei Due to death 63639 att 6 pm wkends VERY PROFITABLE LAUNDROMAT High volumc low hood sci Opt dreii well stab bust-ness make otter 422 7142 1 lOWNER forced to quit due Arntone interested in faking over' established ladles resale clothing shop call 311-1600 bet II am-4 pm TV Appliance business In Northern Calitutitia small town sales ser ice st-el lent net profit Call 916-844 3813 att 6 EARTH WORM growers iceecie-cfl Lmodmavino home business bUdi market For Into write BOnanza Newton bait Farms Inc Elk ove CA 0S624 SAC 0064 SAM nio bil beer wine term Investors Real Estate Co 444 04I5 anytime 23rd St WOULD you 'Ike a business at your own? You don't need an office to start 'Sevin at home full or part time Ideal for husband wife team Call 3833106 No oblloations no Information over the telephone lets have cottee talk 101 14Iachinery itV4I7party wants to buy calm rip wood saw and other wood working equip (Ali 84 hiltstS CASH tor your late model Ford SI actor Tractor lode i woe'' or trador loader back hoe tor re sale Contact SA( RAMINTO FORD TRACTOR at 62011 Folsom blvd Ph 45214la NEED USED EQUIPMENT-- Leith duo' 'Sumo J1100 4000 ram at the rate at 60 head 00Q-1200 rorr Combine tor barlev corn 3 60 Rotyator or equiv Ph I7031 082-012 aft 6 a WANTED: USED Cain Panel Saw overhead or combat ahle wah 10 to IS Hoisenower motor 4000 115 scissor lifts auto panel nailing machines FMC cimt ocelot fed CYCLONE dust cone(tor inino sow power tender call Dong tientSon Call collect (213) 39051306 ILOS Ancleles ateAl 1 no Farm Products CARGiTEnolish Piainuts-new 25c lb 353 2191 0 1682 2541 Farmer's Free Mar et- I Onen Wed A Sat tdOI It 2210 Watt Realtors 482 5665 I 16 Itonoro for Arra 2 NORTH OAT 3 br 2 buill lin fem room tin 48930s2 WEI Broker CLOSE IN IOW 3 hr It bath on II dC Hffl ink room tall barn 331Si Id 2660 riot $79S0 FULL Price $1000 under $1(10 dn 00 trio ird 3 harm bath Irch lot he flew liT25 Noodles owner 410414 S71500 CLEAN 2 OR CPTS COR LOT 1 NCO 11 TERMS Si RAWBERRY MNR 483 8'8i dot North HicihidndS LIStinaS Wanted We hove buyers with the to ermine your loon Call 332-811h5 WEGOIGEN REALTY 6424 Watt Ave HIGHLANDS Super shard 3 bilrm 2 bath big kitchen bit-ins tirenlace tnove nowt This won't last! 4831661 days or 961-9208 eves not 4 BR 2 BA Older IiiorThome w-separate 2 BR I be house rear $113000 toll price $3000 dn will handle 312 Ripley Ave Own-Qt 481111 ASSUME LOAN Larva 3 brim 2 bath feinErrn cent neat air DIIIIS under 3155 Hurryl 481-3661 days or 90-6484 eves ant BY owner modern ranch shrte 3 bdrm 3 bath home on 6 acres Walking distance kindergarten to hioli school 2 wells A pumps Suitable for horses or other livestock Fences inavy out bldus 99E1852 ASSUMPTION FRLE RANCH GUIDE 115 to 40 aides in the Words River $2995 to $5995 full price (adOre Ranches 5 River side Avenue Medford Oreoon 9501 RICE ronch 320 prime acres 120 units in heart of (Musa Countv's duck pheasant hunting Complete line of niachinerv buildinvs also 212 acres with 120 units avail oble Clif1 430-2060 GROWTH ORIENTED 122 Mono! Waniod PACIFIC TRUST DEED 183- 311 agent 1st TRUST DEED ind 10'y Int yr doe date Secured by home In cliv value NO call aid 412160: Evet 462 8483 An attractive C-2 lot containing approximately 16 acres Located in the growing area of Auburn Blvd and Oreenback Lane Call today! BRYAN I PAUL 331-5284 MOSS MOSS NEED $47000 Offer mode ri atli active office bulidino Worth WAX) a high Income And a Sstar credit rating as SecuritV III niy ttN Interest but no lean fee Con be reached at 4443262 PARK IN THE PINE A chance to buy right with a low price a low down Payment OniVI S15000 down gets you into a nire 281 space pm so ith a 2 Lubin home Don't wait on this one the SeANOn IS NOW Call Paul Mostowski 332-5331 STORZ REALTY 1127 Motel Brokers Sato NEEDS WORK 2lt GROSS This le-unit motel slid almost 32000 per room last year Absentee owner says "Sell It's too far from home!" You can benefit from painting cleaning up Priced at So0000 withl only $20000 down Balance On onel libel al orwmetit at e' Interest Seller will tiko consicie'r exsharige untact Jerry 1110r4 4443164 STORZ REALTY 1722 Motel Brokers A BEAUTIFUL HOME 3 bcirms 7 baths a family room a large pool are included with this 24unit motel near Lodi Also included Is a Mother-Inlaw cottage Its a ranch style facility in a garden setting 121 acre With loads of playroarn tor the kids Seller says he will ekorange his 583000 so give us a call lets talk about It Call John Gouoe 4436138 or 444-3164 STORZ REALTY 4821400 near Soda Springs Privute atm FOR SALE House al Serena Lake Sleeps 11 Only 2 sears old Waf-f Ave pletele furnished 4 fireplaces Ula 110111441 for Sale Ptite Sse000 small down For further Information Ccill GM) 369-2445 Area I UNION OIL CO 'POODLE Chocolate Mini-ature male i 3 mos AlsC $125 Puppies $125 LAU 008RA PUOI -tem $20 jai call YeIS013 BIG Shea oires S75 SM 01-1949 WANTED Pigeons banded Jacobin1 Powier nonN eic4814813 GERmAN-Shepherrt puppies for salt 1 s2s S35 Dial 988 4343 I AFGHAN ABC7Femalo beautiful1 snots 92-1046 DOG ebedience111class starting Tues 71 Dan AI den Was 383 y3o0 SI BERNARD pugs AKC 05-0 9142391 wkdaks (all aft 830 urn AKC Scottish Terriers Ch blOodithsI S19 ea l'20Y) S31-4s149 eves I PUPPIES poodle mixed wkS black SIO Att 4 461:6747 BERNARD--Stud Akt lines bet noon alter 61 CLIDDLEY Siamete kittermvants someone to lose $25 3313812 SIAMESE I yr w-show ribbons scel breeder 331-3812 POODLE brush built in dryer for home use 5239S 483-3o73 GRASS VALLEY Homes between American River on north Railroad on east Broadway on south and Sacramento River on west RIVER FRONT 11 AC on the Amer Iran River 1 ml west of COiOnid Pines Oaks access both sides of river $12600 E-Z terms Co Ionia Realty 62244 or 6221110 91 ACRES has frontage on Sachs River Level 2 wells Sulrable for Ana's or raw crops Priced to sell 9258559 925 233 agt 5 ACRES east of Sheridan close to C1110 Far West Relreation 12995 S15 month Dial 991-1229 or 451-4144 agent AUBURN area 31s view acres 1 bdim Dining rm 1 bas Quest rm I ba monv fruit shade trees $20500 Owner 885-0894 ONLY $750 PER ACRE 10 or more wooded acres near new SMUO nuclear Power Plant Excellent terms 428-0386 or 428-1680 Agt FOR Lease 18000 acres in Eastern Oregon near John Day Fenced Cross fenced plenty of water and grass Fair buildings Will handle 6(10 cows For more Info Call or write to Chamness Really 1010 Lawrenre St Eugene Ore 97401 (50J) 345-8549 or 343-1134 Beginners ranch 10 ac level to roiling some fencing Cleared with oak trees Power 8 water S9950 Call 922-8326 EBB POUNDS REAL-TOR eves 489-7345 or 9 143852 121 Financial Invent meett P4 Elie S194711 1st trust deed Pa Vintt int chspoppted to yield 8' r4a Security is Siortericit income property worth $38 ON MO twills at SJY0 amorti ze note vts SECURITY MORTGAGE CO 489421 12 I Business 0 pporf unities DEALERS wanted Western Auto Stoles 213-9ott-14X1 Mr Larson VENDiND routes Invest $100 A up Excellent earnings Phone 483-5839 III Hay Grain and Sale and tamed 8000 BALES straw by bale or ton C)s1 9915273 STOCK has South area Call 445(11300' Or 665-1818 HAY good quality gram By bale or ton 665-184X1 or eyes 6651085 ALFALFA hay straw tor sale Call 988 1684 or 988174g ALFALFA HAY OAT HAY STRAW Stock Hay All deliver Fate Shimarla 2501 Trusel 92S-8642 tustom Hav work wanted cuttinid WON' haolino any size or any anit or lor align cat Susanyrile (9161 253-2507 I SERVICE STATION FOR LEASE 17136 Florin Road for Into tail Chuck Ceti! 44362S1 class 4281s153 eves i Marine 'St Recreational VEHICLE PARK In the Delta 5100000 with 616000i down Includes 500 teet of water troy- taoe an island 24 berths 16 mobile spaces sinall bar-cafe owner's unit duplex A rare ooporlunitv 'Call John Gouge 444-6138 STORZ REALTY Motel Brokers Sato HUGE LAKE You won't be able to resist this clean 3 bedroom 1 bath dream house for only $14750 Truly a gredt buy 421-6580 AO Ufa Dome for Area 3 Homes between Broadway on north Freeport Blvd on east and Sacramento River on South and west 172? Motel Brokers Sado EAST Sac $lit itr'i Clean 3 BR Ige yd small dn 451-3821 GEO ESPENSHADE REALTY Est Sado Land Park 452-3831 RIVER Pk 3 br 2 bath tam 10111 $26500 456-1654 FERAMISCO REALTORS-- 4484604 REACT 456-108 IT park Ire rbdrill Lent neat 315650 96-0189 or 9617736 Mfr NFL Medical Center spotless 2 bdrm nice garden 1111111MM FHA terms Only $9100 441-2526 eves te 88 Rite 61' acre cabin site at beautiful Scotts Lake county road frontage S3990 cash price Easy terms available 3100 ft elevation Nil nines beach boat ramo water skiing 1 hour Sacramento Owner-broker BOX 363 Orinda 94563 SHOE repair shop 3 yrs old will teach 6)49 Watt Ave COIN-OP Cer wash lg biog On 2 lots Woodland 662-329 10 CERTS vending-machinest not on local ton 422-9441 BIG WATER FALLS ELBOW ROOM 128 lisiminems 1ppor OUR ACTION Shows Quick Results 1005 16th St Ferrick R1tv 448-8511 WANTED Small bar businesS buy lease or trade 916-156-3343 QUICK CONFIDENTIAL SALES 'rears of service gives us contact far near Call 446-3363 eves COIN SEXTON 442-9938 112 tivratolk and Supplien UCXSKIN Mare 4 irs old S200 show ciass I a22-1136 MAO( Aberdeen Angus cows reg SorO earn 988 4954 ROPING Saddles Sacto Sum luS Sales 4801 Heclge Ave EM REG OIr Nerses Anna loose bred horscs must sell 3e3-ols4 and quarter mile of trout river frontage on 30 ac MOUNTAIN WONDERLAND a secluded fortress retreat at the end of a private road Only an hours drive from Sado A fantastic buy nt only S19500 terms Call 922-8326 EBB POUNDS REAL-TOR eves 489-345 or 944-J852 Weekend Retreat la acres SSOOacre with year round creek 2000 elevation Close In Your terms Owner wants fast action! Call Tom Reynolds 332-5248 or at A DANDY Well loved and cared for 2 BR garden room and the yard to be proud ol 518500 Call 922-28116 or 4813840 Ask for Merge Reid agent 212a ST Beautiful older home on 40x80 lot 2 bdrin with large attic for studios or dormitory $16500 full price Zoned R5 Oiliest) le 443-1911 1009 St 40 Acres So Area Good School Lenient Terms 1 RY $450 per ac Call FRANK KING 451-8111 PRIEST REALTY 2108 16th St Sacramento 444 2360 5 ACRES HOME Close In Citrus Heights Location Dived water natural gas $7000 sewer bond paid large remodeled home has 2 bdrin downstairs 2 unfinished up family rm utility rnt modern kitchen central heat air fabulous buy at 530000 with $5- 000 cash down seller will carry balance at 71 BENTON REALTY 7256806 967-6400 'Call The Man From Milano' I 29 Condominiums SHARP 2 Br 1 ha cent heat air full rots S900 cin assume low int In or trade 48I-9511 aot HILLSDALE 2 BR Townhouse S13- 950 $1450 DN or trade for Paymts $138 Mo Vac 4-5 331-7200 Aot co*ckATIELS $25 Pr breeders Call 922 CSs5 GERMAN Shepherd PUPS AKC $'(1 4' 3280 1 'YORKSHIRE Terner puppies AKc Roo 3534300 PUG TOY PUPS SP Boston Toy pupil AKC ch stud spry 3834390 TOY POODLE PUPS Stud Ser Wht sly bk 1254329 Cit Huns PET FOOD All meat 25c lb $23 Pet Wt lb 2660 Atatross 9224001 1 BUTTONS BOWS POODLE SALON 1 Poodle Groomino IS up 972-0S001 ENG co*cker Span pups AKC Red thin 246 1113 Qa 2425864 Ev 1 poodle stud ado pediQiec Qd terms 3l-722 IRISH Set AKC fem 4 no $75 or best otter Call 310275 LAB mix PUPPiPS Wk 3311 773 BLACK Lab mix pups make good watcn doos Sib Y224142 SHELTIE AKC male very gentle 1st CSO lakes 9SS-2087 DACHSHUND PUPS 7 weeks red: Manonany 130 9a1956 6-ERMAN Shorthair AKC 2 me tem excel line $20 9oo-1136 7 Wk Old Apricot PoodleS $25 GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES AKC 988-2470 MARE REALTY CO IA for an Opportunity to be your own Boss? Set your own working hours? With an Aggressive Marketing Organizaton FINANCING AVAILABLE FOR INFO CALL Days 363-9481 Eyes Mr Mozuraitis 487-4120 Mr Hervey 9616904 Mr Moore 422- 8319 Mr Smith 482-6020 RYibarczyk 481-7964 'AAA Candy And Snack Supply (No Selling Involved) CASH REQUIRED Plan one 957 Plan two 91625 Plan three $32)0 Excellent income for a few hours weekly work (Days Evenings) Reid ling and collecting money from coin operated dispen5ers within a Qualified area (Handles name brand candy and snacks) For personal Interview send name address and phone number to Multi-Slate DistribI Wing Inc 1681 West Broadway An1 aheim Ca 92802 (714)778-5060 7101 Ceoftol Ave 444-0440 Condominiums: Sell or Trade your condomlnlum Check the Tom Kiernan Cares Program Call on of our 8 offices or 444-210O THINKING OF THE FAMILY? Here's your answer Located In desirable RIVER PARK This home has It all 3 BRs 212 baths lo laundry room pantry In a step-sayina kitchen Family room plus 2 frolcs Drive by 5574 Sandburg Dr call BEN TERRY 456-9991 DO YOU HAVE COUNTRYITIS VOGEL CO 1-111 take Tahoe tiroperty NORTH Lake Tahoe corner lot pet gartv (213) 566-5012 2 BEDRM condominium S16900 terms Write: Agent Box 4136 South Lake Tahoe Ca 95705 SACRIFICE $2000 below appraisal Fur''' 3 3 bath tri level chalet Apt collect (916) 0854845 or 19161 933-1714 For Sale College Greens Villas 2411 i St Realtors 4434771 "Call The Man From Milano" SALLYE BOVEE REALTOR South Area Properties 446 7037 GREENHAVEN area 3 BR formal din rm $10950 428-2354 bkr OLD PK yellow door 3 bra ba trulc AC $3250443-8307 SELECTIVE Residential Properties' DUOIliOdO Assoc 443-2555 SPECIALIZING in Land Park erside property CAMELOT 421-9v99 PROPERTIES of Distinction 1000 Jr James Stephens 443-191I SEE OUR MODELS Design or use your plan On your lot or ours Quality Cont 961-1265 455-8478 MAGNIFICENT ESTATE acres 25 min south Capitol 4 BR den tam rm form dna POOL 921-3718 40' 4 BORK 3 bath redecorated new Wins carpets pool knee lot So Land Park Hills by owner 443-7618 4467551 COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE In South Land Park Riviera shorn 3 bdrm In top cond Looks like new Yet completely improved only $25- 500 Call Jerry 428-9647 OTTO REALTY 4220374 CONTENTMENT Is the atmosphere created by this luxury 4 bdnn home on the banks of Lake Green haven A "Must See" for those who want a beautiful home with a fabulous view For detail Call agent 446-5679 LAKE GREENHAvEN SHORES 20 Keel court by owner Outstanding 4 bdrm 212 bath dramatic use of woods 8 new materials Ideal for formal and informal family entertainment $61500 Ooen Sun 2 to 5 tor Your convenience 4426595 Trees Trees Trees Back Yard park with lovely fmmaculate 3 bdrm home dining room kitchen wlth breakfast area and built in range and oven $10000 Assume low int FHA loan or new financing Dav: 421-4125 Agent: 428-1444 BEST BUY 3 bdrni home only 5 yrs old A woman kitchen with cabinets and elec built-ins 2 full baths real brick fireplace In famIly room Colorful lucious w-w carpets on wood floors 2 car garage You pay only normal low FHA down for the pride and comfort of the home Cali agent today Day 422-4194 or Night 446- 1935 Folsom Lake area Approx 1312 acres halt In mature olive trees half In pasture Property can be bought entirely or as two separate parcels Entire price $33000 Build to suit your needs There Is no place like borne when its yours BRYCE VERNON 443-1680 MILANO DOUGLAS Oil Co has Service Sta ion to lease Call 331-150 CANDY Sugght Mule Write PO Box 1739 Covina Ca 91722 ARCO Richfield Service stations for tease For info 9274261 CANDY wooly route 1681 Broad way Anaheim 7147786060 HALF interest in real estate moil oaoe A fee appraisal Excellent returns 487-7392 LIQUOR Store mountain area gross 5120000 Cash 1250b0 inyentOrV PO Box 534 Ou PAINT A OtheTsteres-now available in new Shogging Center at Winding WV Dewey Dr 4443636 GRAPHIC Art A Screen Print Shoo fully eauldned excel loc Low overhead 456-1881 362-5751 VIVIAN WOODARD COSMETICS Distributorship AVAILABLE Call 9674683 NICE 2-chair barber shoe Clear Lake Hignlancts 1-1071 944-2196 1619n 7-8 pm WITH investment under WO see 810000 ifICOgIg in I year Call for 41)01 3314390 1-725-3662 FOR SALE: 12 snack bar vending machines In the vicinity Of Chico Phone 18463431 after 5 pm BEER tavern cafe A Dina Inc in So Sacto dd bus sy-olenty of Parking Bee Box M514827 CALIF Sales Inc Management 000tv wilh a growth oriented Co Financial security grogram 482-6272 1 Liquor Bars A co*cktail Lounges 2 On A Oft sale Liodor Licenses TOM DOVI REALTY 1531 16th St 4411491 457-6371 A Bar Fur fished living quarter turn cabin Phone 257-2536 Trading Center Sdsanyille California "BUSINESS SPECIALISTS" INVESTORS REAL ESTATE CO 'We will help finance' 23rd Street 444-0415 anytime NEED distributors for Prelim ProductS Inc which is forming an oogortunity meeting Wednesday March 17 8 PM at the Sacramento Inn 428-0854 for info Cafe-Barber ShooS Rm Flat Midtown excel location low rentals gross 14000 510000 handle PODESTRA REALTY 446-7192 NEAR SACTO MEDICAL CENTER TEXACO 112 Folsom Lake Properly 1414 21st St Realty Co 444-8M4 Cute 2 Nice living rm w-fireplace Tiled bathroom service Porch wired tor dryer Separate narage Finished Inside lot next door also available if desired Owner will carry paper BILL BAIRD 451 2912 2 AC RANCHETTE County Road Water Terms BETTS REALTY CO '3 3 1 4 5 4 5 Inventory 1 bedroom model 2-3 bedroom villas All apartments include fireplace dishwasher w-w carpet drapes re- trinerator oarbaoe disoosal Com oletelv maintained Far information College Greens Development Co 3109 Occidental No 2 383-6965 383-7750 137 Farimg Banrhes and Bent and UPAMO ARABIAN stud service Fadiur line boarchno training 331-490 I REG Amy cutting Horse 2 yr old1 sac sA) Cit Hs us-7114 ACDIA II yr old black oeldino exp man $300 3ev-8641 Lodi LIvestock Market Sale Wednesday 74S-2731 Galt IS ARABIAN horses 3 stallions I Wk terms Dir 1-o85-3540 Dan Studvbaker 481-6861 REG brown Swiss bulls 3 yrt old STO 9G11022 Wood Shavings (not sawdust) I Robby Logan 487-4246! ARABIAN Quarter Bay Mare Ser! rel Shetland Gelding REG Yorkshire sow Vs yrs old! Sell or tracie bo51055 YHOROBRED appy stud colt 2 yr green broke WS Act-5592 TR MARE 2 saddles A bridles! 8SkinO S2 99156A 4 YR QUARTER filly w-sOme tack 131-5304 SUFFOLK ewes wlambs 9rade 11 reg SO head Elk Gr WESTERN saddle 16" seat good' cond Batwing chaos take offer 988-2243 YR OLD bay a Arabian mare: mot broken but very gentie $aa0 (707) 9682231 YR OLD BAY MARS 16 hands potzntial for iumoing trail worki Dial 991-3186 WHITE MARE bred to reg Appaloosa or make otter goodi with children 383-7184 HORSE hot walker no belt chain driven reverse SliP clutch $275: 371-0130 JANIE'S TACK SHOP BOOT HAT SHIRT SALE Elk Grove Shoo Ctr L682-25311 LOST PASTURE MUST SELL Welsh pinto mare air thorobredi mare Qtr horse stud colt All real: gentle 331-5717 WIKI UPS Fancy patch stud servicel APHC Cal-Bred Reg Also Direct son of the famous -Double Patch" 447-3647 or 912-2765 1 BAY filly quarter type I Buckskin! stud colt tor sale or trade for Acni galousa 835-1967 14 II LOIN Subdivision liereage- For Salo MILANO 1414 219 St Realty Co 444-8644 AKC Black Lab pulls champion $100 96-3336 PEKINGESE AKC snow white SO-s160 o2248y POODLE pups AKC bik min 8 sva 50 022 4402 Placerville MIN Schnauzer male 8 was AKC Champ sired S125 961305 11ARKL4SS Basenii 10 was aid No paoers S50 4824964 CHOCOLATE --Labrador female mos AKC 175 --KITTENS SS will delver 4814505 STUD service Beaole AC good c0011ing call 4513180 RED male Dachshund AKC 3 yrs cid S2 Call 451-4202 aft 5 BASSET cuppv female 11 mos AKC shots S-5 125-5150 I4o1 FREE to good home nice taro tectionale cat 311-7278 ST BERNARD to mo's old male AKC S2Cy3 421-4013 428-6885 FREE Shepherd Lab pups 7 Wks shots 961-8007 LEASE 434 Ac Marysville area Level pasture A corn ground Ford 3 weills 428-7331 or 331-1685 LEASE 273 level rice acres lir Grid ley 91 units Mattie Zumwalt Keeley 4584515 Co fuse RICE UNITS wanted for leasing High percentage paid $70 unit return Woodland 662-3769 1116 Home!" for Area 2 130 Wanted to Beal Estate Prime Locations Available Investigate this outstanding opnortunity to make an excellent ifICOMO operating a business of your own Call For Information Replies are Confidential 363-9421 Eyes Wkends 961-7740 451-5418 421-760 3015 eradsMisy Rd off Folsom Blvd BE YOUR OWN BOSS 2 well known Service tsfoe bust nesses for sale 1 Septic and sewer service 11 yrs in Sacramento gross $46000 Saes price includes all necessary equipment $27500 2 Restaurant eouipment sales service 3 years in business Gross $17000 in 1970 Possible to double for Person willing to work Total price Ss000 buys all eouinment and parts Dorothy Welsh 991-2525 LARSON REALTY 927-5344 Homes between Sutter County Line on north Freeway 80 on east American River on south and Sacramento River on west 138 Out of Town Heal Estate' RIVER VIEW LOTS Jerry konanz Rea I ly 482-7626 I AC lot east of Cameron Park Sac egultv $800 Assume 482-8875 212 ACRES Dierks Road South area S6000 Phone 421-5320 LEASE 7 ac Watt Ave bet I Elkhorn 1500 mo 4428667 925-7671 APT HOUSE site on or lath 80x160 4424929 ant LOT C5500 off Winding way I tic FO $16060 487-4162 ant Vs ACRE north of Excel terms S1195 944-2462 RIVER LOT $5950 Easy terms Sacto 443-4656 or 421-2130 ritr LIVE IN A WORLD of difference CAMERON PARK 933-1806 SIERRA OAKS No 17 No 111 duplex and residential lots 421-5340 SIERRA Oaks 60 Ire duplex RI lots 447-4117 428-1806 agt FHA 235 ELK GROVE North Sac 2272 Stockton Blvd 452-4803 bleb LEVEL LOT northeast area 69' frontage no bonds 483-6730 ORANGEVALE 2 or 9 tic building sites sewer water Owner 489-4757 R-2 can build 5 duplexes Phone 489-2961 WANT to buy rice units Sam Shin taller Marysville 743-5647 BUYERS with cash for your equity Hardy Realty 487-1948 TOM FURUKAWA REALTOR 9005 St 452-3831 FAST CASH for your equity Mont oomery Pity 481-7755 SELL your 3 bdrm 1 ba home Carms-Fair Oaks Doss Co 967-5693 SELL161-47 We deal only with quail fled buyers 966-2183 ant 961-6753 IMMEDIATE cash for your equity No obligation for estimate 428-7465 utter 6 pm Agent PROPERTY WANTED To MULTIPLE LIST Lyle Parkinson 9270161 ant WANTED to buy dairy or poultry (-anch (910 817-2952 700 A Birch ESTABLISHED Grass Valley light in dustry 1500c0including inventory enumment clientele Rt 3 Box Grass Valley New Model Charming 3 BDRM plus 2 baths Quality Built by DIPINTO SKOVER Beamed and vaulted ceilings In Spacious Lly Rm and For- mal dining rm Stone fireplace In family rm Kitchen equip with DE built-ins Many extras Cali SKOVER 421-9g61 L-Y-0-N LABRADOR retriever black male CH lines SSD 442-S637 457-4851 BRITTANY female AKC 21 mos snots S30 Brittany oointer male 3' mos free 48I-4462 POODLES Min puppy shots sm Si' ver male larner IA female $OO 487-5893 or POODLE toy AKC Reg male apricot 2 vrs olt wants good home X100 482-260 POODLE-Terrier male 2 vrs Excel w-cntidren tree to good home call 42i-4737 441-45 3 BDRM home 6844 Bismarck NH assume 6 loan act 1-624-7082 OWNER assume 6 2 BR air cond No Highlands 1-783-8746 FHA 3 4 br homes Builder 922-3467 2 BDRMS Sr Grant Union VA- CANT $6950 $450 dn 922-9025 Bkr FORECLOSED homes Work for down 922-5545 lio Pity WOODLAKE exclusive 2 story colomai enormous yard close to Sado Agt 332-4821 961-6012 NEAR McClellan 3 BR 1 bath AC cots coy patio 52500 awnl ovinnts of S75 MO 332-7267 Mac McPherson Realtor 1454 Del Paso Blvd 927-5335 1 BR Rio Linda lg lot paneling in liv rm Asking $5700 take less for cash 991-3337 BRAND NEW BUILDING for lease Auburn Blvd Sr KMart 3000 sq ft all or part Plumbing electricity to suit Ideal tor bar or Ask tor Hal 332-1590 ARCO RICHFIELD SERVICE STATION FOR LEASE EAST SAC co*ckTAILS" Owner don't work try 12 dwn Investors Real Estate Co 4444115 anytime 23rd St 3 BD 2 ba terraced view Cr OtS $21100 Nevada City 265-2145 1 OR 2 ACRES near Auburn From $1695 Excel terms 944-2462 NEVADA City 2 bdrm home 134 ac Stream 446-3708 agt 25 AC Loomis pasture water od 40)(70 bldg $6200 652-6441 LOOMIS 5 bdrm 2 dens 375 ac Oak trees $42500 652-6000 dot 201S ACRES close to Portland city limits $600 acre 1-125-3661 GALT 5 aces 2 bdrm Horses Re duced to $19000 1-145-1930 5 AC OR MORE nr Newcastle Wtr view od terms 8853430 age 1112 AC Auburn-Folsom Rd near Newcastle Terris 6631092 SURREY VILLAGE on Lake Red Blutf watch for our ad in this class LOOMIS BASIN REALTY Acreage homes in Loomis 652-7286 or Pitch a tent $120 ON $50 mo AO 489-3994 4 on 1 acre reas in Camp tonville Cal 288-3221 for Spot DEL PASO REALTY for Loomis homes acreage 1-652-6069 BY OWNER: 4 BR 2 be Dbl oar Assume 644 In 116 Alpine Place Woodland 662-7945 4 ACRES zoned comm near IN DUSTRIAL PARK Interstate 5 Redding (1) 2434515 fadise ASSOCIATES 2430 Street 444-2890 tileiat'bothend station available in pranoevale at Madison A yain Nelat'bot vliibleifl Oranoevale eit Madison Main tralnino medic al life ins Financial assistance available to 482 goaliflEd aoolicant ATLANTIC flAVI RICHFIELD Days call Mike Pezzan- CentL Ica 927-4261 eves weekends 421- PVT 4075 NEW HAVE Century PVT or COVERED stock rack sliding gate ts! horse ramp Fits bed 8- wide 1010-1 long ho33470 Newcastle REG APPY stud serv blk blanket spec consideraton Didved Apciv mares 9516032 eves SADDLES I Tack at our low wholesale Dr ices Open Eves A week- ends ill 9 927-0720 Dir LADIES' Western vests A pants $2850 to S3990 Saclo Sadchery: 2920 Auburn Blvd MOVING sacrifice 2 beautiful reg Tennessee waiking horses 2 yr old bay geld S550 2 yr od bk fillYi V50 991-2945 AUCTION 27 req Tennessee Walkers! Saturday March 20th 2 pm Fairway Stables Production Sale 2501 Arnold industrial Hiway Concord' Calif 10 ACRES on Jackson on Excelsior $9000 or 5 acres tor $5000 364-3393 or 363-3828 LRG Fair Oaks lot View S4500 Ross Davidson Realtorowner 481-8888 $23500 DESPERATE SELLER has reduced this house $2500 4 'drill in LAND PARK AREA Recently remodeled features Ige tam rm with floor-to-celh stone firolace lovely w-w cots cent heat-air Ready for immediate occupancy Call now MARY PASCUZZI 421- 0112 mOSS MOSS TWO PRIME LOCATIONS Both of these Modern aggressive co needs listings 482-7545 Nat Knight Assoc CASH listings Brokers 444-7794 Party wants to buy sm eguity lease w-opt to buy home In Mira Loma district 483-4082 CASH for your equity Call Wright Kimbrough for the best service 442-2991 In bsuiness ''Since 1893" Retired couple wants medium home on small lot North East area JOHN EARNEST REALTY 487-4873 RESPONSIBLE party wants to take over gaymts on 3 bdrm home or rent with oot to buy 455-1454 ALVA REALTY 4222204 PHILLIPS 66 NORWEGIAN Elkhound Keeshound6 Pomeranian Toy Puooles breed- ers Cali Patterson Cal 892-8491 IRISH Setter pups 7 weeks Ala-champ 6 fern 4 males $75 to $125 Phone Fresno 255-5009 PERSONALITY pups Scotch Terrier1 A KC VI stock 7 wks old IDIVON shots S85 383-5681 CAT beautiful affectionate neutered male $2 to good home 448-8471 442-6552 aft 10 am BERNARDS outstanding line bred excel puppies snow possibili ites Ph (209) 568-8002 LARGE Di yr Ger Shepherd male 000 house no oaDers good watch dcg loves children 525 383-2011 FOR DOG GROOMING See Thet Service 0rectory Classlication 1 runnino daily In The Bee PEN Collapsible 21x36 tray dog or 4so-uao GERMAN SHEPHERD male 6 me! All shots Good with children $25 451-0100 FREE to ad home 2 half lab 1 yr old 6 wks old Both female1 452-0589 att 8 pm BAR co*cktail lounge tly guarterS Lease or sea 12 mtie to Stale line Tahoe Ca TO SEE El Rancho Bliou Motel HWY 50 Arcadia vending machines gift shop liquor store etc Owner (40B) 293-2916 VOGEL CO is expanding its rest den ia I slat Complete training with emphasis on 'How to" approach to selling Experience desirable but not required Call Bill Vogel of Jerry Kirrent for amt 443-1771 2 drug stores in Northern Calif on the ocean Grossing over $3500430 per Yr Full price 593500 plus inventory Owner wants to retire $40000 casts down Owner will carry balance at 331-3900 American River Brokers Rest Home Established business In area 6 guests Average gross iincome of an-vox 525500 Netting owners approx 521000 annually For further details call Paul Johnson 444-2100 days or 925-6586 eves Bkr ONLY A FEW LOTS LEFT Del Davo Area No Bonds 452-3414 or 487-6786 Ownr-Agt 5 ACRES gd high ground $10000 tree clean trade or sell 725-3313 Cit Hots 487-8285 eves Acres older home Roseville area $44000 eves 332-2458 Norman Mauk Realtor 482-9927 SOUTH Land Park Ridgeway Ire corner lot beautiful area Bonds Pd Call 457-9853 agt 1190 35th Ave 427-8860 GARDEN LAND Older 2 bdrm home large 112)(115' lot abundance of fruit shade trees only S8950 It's a buy See it SCHMITZ REALTY CO 2702 Del Paso Blvd 925-8559 4 BDRM BARGAIN Has 2 baths 220 for dryer range good North Sacto school location Only 513950 FHA Eves Bill Hicks 99-2556 MAC MOHERSON RUA 1454 Del Paso at Arden 927-5335 HOMES DON'T GROW FAMILIES DO Charming 2 story home in secluded Woodiake 5 min to town 2 beds down 3 dormer beds uo Beautiful yard enclosed $2349AViReonSe- McCLORY 4446180 1 141 Homes for Area -I OREGON 412 acres w-small house Take 50 or over mobile home in trade 7252817 Cit His LARGE 3 bdrm home family room corner fireolace cent air shake roof 328900 in 7133-8748 Service Stations are well located on heavily travelled thorofares with excellent commercial-residential backgrounds One in Mid-Town other In Carmichael Training with pay moderate Investment and outstanding sales promotional programs make either one of these opportunities worth your Immediate Investigation For details call 442-6966 or after 5 om call 428-9489 Homes between Broadway en north Freeway 99 on east Sheldon Rd on south and Freeport Blvd On west A "FLAIR HOME" custom built on Your lot Model at 489 Manzanita Ave Corm 100 act tin IV 3-6071 "SLP Riviera Home Sites" Choice lots from $330 to $5950 Ken Harmon -Par 442-1849 LOTS for sale Rio Linda Water sewer streets curbs gutters No Bonds 991-1127 eves 991-1679 R-S ZONE site 1716 ft St Priced to sell Evenings 455-1876 Days 443- 1911 HANco*ck 9W Bar Stables BoardIng Training Riding Inst' Excel facilities linhted arena acIL bridle baths: 481386 REG TS Mare yearling 2 yr fil Ivs AQHA mare Torn Fool Na-1 five Dancer bloodlineS 1463-3463 eves ENGLISH RIDING INSTRUCTION JUMPING EQUITATION SHELDON GRANT RIDING SCHOOL at Pcnomac West 362-5996 SADDLES REDUCED FOR CLEARANCE ALBERS FEED FARM SUPPLY 6300 Folsom Bid 452-8156 STEEL POSTS-FENCING ALBERS FEED FARM SUPPLY 6300 FOiSOrtl Blvd 4521156' 0 MOS Reg tY Arabian Filly $500 14 Yr old Mare 5200 English West- ern SadaT S1004150 See at Shire Ranch Douglas Road off Sunrise Blvd Rancho Coroova Dial 927- 9850 BARGAIN 3 CASH For your house Call Investor-Agt 483-1462 CALL Lis tor estimate of value sell your equity 60 Real Estate insurance Specialists Since 1935 JONES BRAND HULLIN 441-2741 Homes Wanted: Before you list check the Tom Kiernan Cares Program 15000 Sellers can't be wrong Call the nearest of our Et offices or 444-2100 WANT TO SELL? Experienced specialists in all areas to assist you Cash available to buy Your equity "It's the Sold Sign That Counts 444-0440 or North Area RICHFIELD (ARCO) SERVICE STATION FOR LEASE 45 in Excel Home Site All Lillis Horses tool Calf Jim 967-4711 ant Vacant Del Paso Hots home Hdwd Firs Garage Cargort Fenced lot Pull vire only $7950 LOW DOWN PAYMENT LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS bee 716 Morey Ave Call Bill Smith 444-2704 Pacific Central Realty ro 424 St WOODLAKE Service Station for lease Auburn 371-5228 Eves 967-2108 CONSIGNEE FRANCHISE available with Major Oil Comoany In Northern California Combination agriculture and Retail Branch lent O000rtunity for right Party Contact Steve Ward Dial 1- 342-41-1g HUNTING DOGS reg AKC champ background German Shorthair Pointers 2'2 mos 550475 455-7544 POODLE duo older dogs toy or mtmature brown 8 black AKC Shots 791-0490 psyl DACHSHUND ogooies stand red AKC 4 males 1 tern Just weaned ready In 90 S50 ea 916-743-4055 AKC GERMAN SHORTHAIRED Pointer pups Yi-shots Ext hunting snow lines 550-475 363-7430 CHESAPEAKE Bay Retreiyers AKC Champ bloodlines field Show 8 wks 428-3557 Eves 20 LEVEL acres near "Lake of the Woods" in Minnesota SI500 Good hunting fishing 4 season climate 482-7563 ant JOIN the halm move to Green-haven A planned community for gracious living 6669 Gloria Dr 422-3756 We are Interviewing applicants for a new station presently under Construction at Marysville Arcade We offer: Paid Training Guidance Financing available to guallfled anulicants Oroun medical life Insurance if you are arnbitlious dream of indenendence your future can be a business of your own Contact Atlantic Richt laid Co 927-4261 Mr filoirschuk or eves Richard Field 961-0453 Fair Oaks Calif MacBRIDE REALTY CP 3 bcirm 2 bath unfinished family rm Transfer forces sale at only $21000 its VACANT Immediate Possession SCHMITZ REALTY CO 2707 Del Paso Blvd 925-8559 SAWDUST 80 3 bdrm all large rooms 2400 SQ ft 710 ac $35600 Grey Bros Ritrs Lincoln 645-3334 MEDICAL dental office to rent or sell on Clear Lake Write Mrs HIII Lakeport Ca 95453 or call (707) 263-4729 OROVILLE FOOTHILL RANCHETTE Nice 2 BR home oar pool barn trees view S17500 AssuMe gd loan SUNLAND PROPERTIES 1934 Bird St Oroville Cal 533-0666 NEAR Carson City: 1 acre trailer lot $120000 3''2 acre level homesite $320000 27 acres commercial $350000 VERY EZ TERMS Tahoe-Carson Realty Box 1106 Carson City Nev 59701 BOULDER CREEK 22 wooded ac $1800 ac low dn terms Also TWAIN HARTE 4 ac on creek wooded view $8000 Owner (415) 967-2918 or Peterson 427 Pinecre3t Dr Los Altos Ca 94022 OPEN for inspection: new 3 bed rooms 2 baths tam rm froic deluxe carpeting thruout GE appll ances will finance to suit your needs See It in Echo Ridge Estates Grass Valley Ca No call on Sat please 265-4640 265-2652 LG 2 BR 2 bath ranch style home In Jackson tam rm L-shaped din liv rm beam ceiling lg rock triple central $28500 Owner Terms (209) 223-2064 PLACERVILLE 5 acres 2 BR hous: hair lust redec secluded $19500 $5000 down Additional acreage avail Owner-agf 622-1100 CATTLE COUNTRY 20 cc Lassen Co $3600 $200 dn bal at 6 See March 20 21st Owner 9 9 9 133 For Real Estate $100 DOWN-2 3 4 Bdrm Homes 421-4774 apt 3 BORM WW bit-ins Via baths fricd $13500 457-9668 TO BUY OR SELL PROPERTY LEE NORENE Realtor 456-9576 4 BR Hr Campbell's Soup $14000 Toko Full Rift 4465228 3 BR 2 ha spacious fam rm built-Ins with breakfast bar carpets drapes $iF000 HEFNER REALTORS 444-0455 $17950 3 BEDROOM 112 bath service porch tamily room available April 1st Low down payment Call 428-0114 or 428-0651 eves ant BRAND new So area cost built 3 bdrm 22 bath 2200 plus formal din rm cent plus all the extras Only $37950 481-2857 (RM) 2 STORY Colonial Curtis Park 712 rms 21'2 baths basem*nt detached 2 car garage tool rim overall 3000 so ft w-many extra features $29500 firm Principals Only 457-0627 GOLF Course Terrace 3 bdrm 2 baths tam rm $21500 Call Bruce 443-6701 457-7383 Apt SOUTHGATE MEADOWS From SI5950 Cash or terms ALTO SALES 422-3730 Golf Course Terrace Only $16950 2 baths patio Built-1ns 2 car coracle LOW LOW DOWN PAYMENT Workshop or playhouse Jim Briggs 457-4462 ry sewdust-snavings 30-ygrd loads delivered S26 to SIS Sacra rnento area decending on localion Oven 5 days 451-6671 FHA 235 Only 19 Left FOR LEASE PHILLIP 66 TRUCK STOP RESTAURANT Exceptional earning oppOrtunitY Contact Mr Knipper 442-6966 or 1- 209-477-4644 ON SALE LIQUOR LICENSE $14000 Cash sale Call Mr Hackett Days at BARTALINI HACKETT 200121st St Realtors 457-6531 RICHFIELD (ARCO) SERVICE STATION FOR LEASE HAVE 2 Duplexes Coastal Area 50 Eau ity position trade for land Calif Apt 446-4069 481-3421 16000 MI FT Industrial bldg on rail Fully occupied Seller has $56000 equity plus cash to trade-up Call apt 446-5679 WILL TRADE ALL OR PART 8 ac mobile home park site Owing 520000 eauitv $40000 2 Gold Mine equity $95000 3 Orland 15 cc orange almond house store equity $45000 4 5 ac Rancho Cordova 20 years subordinated iease equity $150000 442-0681 or 444-7917 eyes owner apt ACRES select subdivision land Part river frontage Sewer water drainage Good Terms Owner 483-7753 or 448-9336 NOW FOR SALE: Valley HI subdivi sion Sales office 6500 Valley HI Dr Sado Freeway lots custom homes 428-9408 or 428-9394 CUSTOM BUILT On your lot or ours Use your home as down payment Empire Homes 9617902 1-624-3067 FAIR Oaks Blvd 9 ac 2 rentals Higher zoning possible $21500 terms Billy Jenison 991-2525 LARSON REALTY 927-5344 10 AC building site Sloughhouse Good pump well Will take trailer as part down pymt $18500 685-3060 LARCHMONT NORTHGATE VILLAGE 3 or 4 bedrooms 112 or 2 baths Famous Larchmont duality you can be proud to own Low down low monthly payments Phone 921-0238 MAKE SPRING MOVE Weekly Horse Auctions 7 pm 7 pm Elk Grove Sat 7 pm Willows first Sun ea mo 1 pm Valley Vtew Ranch Horse Sales California Largest Lincoln Lai 645-7220 645-7977 Premier Horse Trailers SHOW SADDLES HORSES EQUIP 1 Good selection to choose from Omt 7 days eves 9 1 TAYLORS 3709 Park Pd 4829135 mare for teenager-gym MO 4 yr Amy pelan S350 Buckskin oeld EPS 6 yr bay mare very nice S250 Paint $235 Lots tots I more Weiches ponies New used saddles CY va le Stockmen I 9a8-29i3 A8-1910 1 DRIVING RANGE For the retired or young couple A cozy cure 2 bdrat Central beet fireplace utility room extra large lot Markets bus only Va block $11500 Call TIVIE 3 or 8 83 or 883 or FREE to good home 2 vr old male Brittanv Sorinoer mix Excellent watcn dog 422-4066 GERMAN SHEPHERDCollie pulps mother champ-oapers Beautiful markings all shades Males $15 females SIO 1-677-26C13 BEGINNER dog obedience class all breeds accepted 6 week course I night a week starling in week For further info 363-3524 DOG OBEDIENCE Mar 18 7:30 pm Docktor Pet Center CC Plaza Watt El Camino Trainer Doug Roby 481-3297 GOLDEN RETRIEVER Puppies 7 Wks oid Good hoting parentane Gentle intelligent family dogs $30 Courtland 775434 22 GREAT PYRENEES Giant Breed family dog of maiestic beadty unioue character puppies 2871 AKC Champ sired home raised contact Betty Wade 409-2450 CLOWN LOACHES 1298 ea 25550 6412 CAPITOL AQUARIUM 7891 A St BRITTANY SPANIELS AKC co*ckER SPANIELS AKC WIPE HAIR TERRIERS AKC $7998 GERMAN SHEPS AKC $75130 BOB'S PET LAND Carmichael 441219 MacBRIDE REALTY CO 113t Farms Ranches Sale aS Arirr pasture Rio Osa little-no down 709-523-1582 eve 9 'acres with use permit for of driving range Located across street from Lawrence Links Golf Course near McClellan APB No Competition! S31500 Call Hal Vail 916-455-1460 or write Bartalinl Hackett Realtors 2063 El Paseo Lane Sacramento Cal 95821 We are interviewing apnlicants for a modern rustic style station at Florin Rd Now aver over 30000i gal month We offer: trainin9 guidance credit card advertising supoort available to gualified ag plicants medicat life Insurance Your future can be a business of your own Contact Atlantic Richfield Co 921-4261 days or Jerry PetrY 489-831b BUSINESS ASSOCIATES WANTED 2255 Watt 482-5050 BUILD your dream house on this Area of lovely homes close to Union Academy American River College Shopping 483-8945 or 444200 agt WRIGHT KIMBROUGH 139 Conmt Proporty LOG cabin w-10 ac redwoods firs stream S15000 3621742 aot "Since 1893" 819 i St REALTORS 442-2991 CHOICE LOTS McCEELLAN WORKERS' TRANSFERRED IN? Call to see this freshly painted VACANT 3 bdrm home In North Highlands Only $13950 Call Jere Hobgood -5635 MONTGOMERY Li Pasturage and Feed Lois 110 Mountain Property From $3 900 to $9000 Carmichael Fair Oaks locations Many sites to choose from Call Jim Richardson 383-0828 Nat Knight Assoc 482- 7535 SIALLSFeen grain care arena traits Cairn 944i680 4 ACRES 2 homes by owner Loomis S45000 Call 6526422 70 AC $450 per Ac-terms Grey Bros RItrs Linc 645-3334 3 ACRES 4 bdrm 2 bath Rio Linda area 331-284 ant SELL land homes apts trades Walt Enoell Realty Sac 383-2998 20 A BRADSHAW Rd Low DP EZ Terms 456-4561 451-7065 eve RICE UNITS Kimerer Colusa Realty 458-5139 $210 PER Ac 397 ac nr Grass Valley lays nicely 933-1106 at 4 ACRES Elverta area 86000 331-2874 agt RURAL SETTING IN CITY LIMITS A Larchmont home close to schools shopping etc Corner lot 4 bedrooms 2 baths living room with vaulted ceiling and a stone fireolace Wall-to-wall carpeting throughout Kitchen with dishwasher garbage disposer modern range and oven Air conditioning Covered patio Front lawn and shrubs Fenced yard All utilities underground Street lights 524400 Will ir FHA or Phone agent at 42158 8 Gods little acre Hi River bottom soil Heavy bearing fruit trees nuts grapes berries 2 deen wells New septic elec 4835245 eves 4839025 481-7755 WANT irrigated pasture for 200 yearling heifers or 80-200 pairs Call Lodi 369-2586 LUSH perm pasture in Feather River botiorn lanci Live Oak area 020 ma Sable extra 1-695-3587 HOLLOWAY 118 Nurotery Stoek Seed Bulbs Fertilizer urrolloirrr ror DEL PASO HOUSE FOR SALE 90 AC 9200 elev water Dower view 59150 Owner 9331106 ant FOOTHILL Recreation lot View S3950 ROSS DAVIDSON REALTOROWNER 481-8888 40 ACRES El Dorado Co Financing avail 369-5576 2039 Oxford Wy Lodi Calif 95240 23 AC Nr Placerville Irrigation watd creek trees view $595 per ac terms 371-4413 ant 10 TO 50 ACRES at $700 per acre near Hwy 50 Camino Terms Mr Burger agent 489-147 CABIN a 10 acres nr Rollins reser you' 2600 ft elev $8900 311-3911 aft 5 115 Commercial Lois and For Sale il 15 Poultry Rabbits I FLOWER nnts cheap hundreds to an 1 choo5e from 5c to 15c Sunday For Salo 10-6 443-17r5 1 RATIIITS-25 IS hutches $IS or 120 moopy to Loan swao 489-3706 1 120 Nioney to Loses New 235 4 Br 2 Baths Check this 2 BR 1 bath home 2 car garage detached No bullt-ins big back yard front oorcn carnet living room only FHA-VA financing available S11200 Agt 363-7581 owner 481-8040 4 ACRE MOBILE home Large oak tree Garage Batas Thy 422-4533 JOHNNY CASE REALTY CO GL 1-8436 Lists Sells Ranches EARL KELLOGG REALTY 4465265 Farm Ranch SPCC Since 1950 FOR LAND SAKE Realty Co 442-2919 814 St WANT TO buy rice units Sam Shin-latter Marysville 743-5647 25 AC 512500 Nice views L0 pines Good access Terms Aut 363-5059 AFFILIATE WANTED MAIL ORDER BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY! Reliable man-woman (active) to In S395 selt-liduidating Old estab 'mail order merchandising firm This is the most fantastic bona fide OViri-your-OWn business evert )(Int returns Plus huge profits No exper nec Work your own hours from home office store Must be sober honest with good references It sincere call Mr Bates 421-6733 Candy Supply Distr (PART OR FULL TIME) Now available In Sacramento and areas All tocations are commercial or factory furnished by us Qualified person will becOme dis- 'tributor for our candy (Nesties 'Planters -footsie Rolls Milk Duds Very high income potential You must have 2 to 8 hrs per week 'spare lime (days or eves) FSo2r1Ixr itseA 4110R Ea(13U I write: "DISTRIBUTOR DIVISION No 38" I PO Box 1739 Covina Calif 91722 Include phone number DISTRIBUTORS NEEDED "HUNT'S-SNACK-PACK" New multi-rnillion dollar advertised snack Pack products NEED NOW! Reliable men or women in your area to service fast-moving coin operated in company secured 'orations or factory PART OR FULL TIME 6 to 12 hours per week selling CASH REQUIRED: SOO to S2995 Write for more inforrna tion: INSTANT FOOD SUPPLY PO 3155 Torrance California 90505 include phone number (Not affiliated with Hunts-Wesson Foods IOC) money to loan on your home MIKE CARVER CO 481-1234 WE BUY TRUST DEEDS SecurifY Mortaue Co 489-4'242 iEwELRY typewriters ours TV'S Cr A1 loan 818 446-V20 We Buy 1st 2nd Deeds of Trust MORTCAGE INC aool Arcen bar SdrtO 4813104 5 BEDROOMS TOTAL MONTHLY PAYMENT FROM Ml or M2 freeway Site $2925 A MI Rd front Agt 432-0348 STOCKTON Blvd nr Florin Rd 100x150 422-0349 or 422-9230 M-1 LAND Parcels from 5600 sq ft to 95000 sq ft Excellent location Near new SP Truck Terminal on Richards Blvd Close to downtown good access to Freeway airport Call Seck 48-3108 or 489- 7631 JONES-BRAND-FitUM M-1 LAND Parcels from 5600 so ft to 95000 sq ft Excellent location Near new SP Truck Terminal on Richards Blvd Close to downtown good access to Freeway airport Call Seek 4813108 or 489 7631 JONESBRAND-HULLIN offer on en exclusive area basis the onoortunity to affiliate with a corporation that Is one of the fastest growing of its kind in the nation Derson selection should earn excels! tional Income the first month with substantial increase each month thereafter A permanent residual Income within a few months of operation This opportunity to share In the virtually unlimited potential of our 'field is offered to one responsible 'ethical person in this area No prevlouS experience ref Ouired 2 We provide complete training ouidance 3 No franchise fee 4 Ideal for absentee ownership nr in conjunction with a present business Minimum Investment reouired 34560-fully returnable under conract For personal Interview call Mr John Horn Sactp 922- 6251 Other choice areas a milable DEALERS WANTED! Several Desirable Locations For $107 Includes Taxes Ins 121 Beal limp Lento NEWCASTLE-OPHIR 2-012 rolling hills homesite Creek low dn terms owner 1-663-3585 MOUNTAIN home 3 bdrm on 20 wooded acr4s Mother Lode area $20000 Terms JOHNSON Real Estate 482-0892 Choice commercial corner North9 AC of pines cedars Close tol rup Enterprise ideal for limped Lake Edson 1 cc zoning S6900I development Assessors appraisal terms open Agt 9331114 eves 4833059 1 $34000 Sacrifice S24000 ROSS DAVIDSON 412 acres heavily wooded 000d se-I REALTOR 481-8888 elusion small spring ted creek 96- 500 Terns SI 800 down S11 per ma On Madison near Dewey 2851(285' McCOY REALTY zoned 173 ledal tor business A pro- 6224161 tessional bldg Doctors dentists etc i $55000 May build to suit Call Sid 1120 MBaElAn USTtlFPLItearevriellse El Dorado Co Woolever near Kelsey Pines view water electricity county roads trailers NATIONAL OK Good for cows horses $500 down $65 mo Call 7253813 Rose 1 REAL ESTATE CO ville 13001 I St 4446023 You won't believe the low price on this 2 bath home that needs work Only $12950 Try no down VA or low FHA financing MA' Phone 482-8574 FHA 235 Larchmont Homes 2 blocks from elementary and Jr High schools close to shopping 10 minutes from downtown in Pleasant area 4 bedrooms 2 baths built by Larchmont Living room spacious modern kitchen with butt-In oven and range garbage disposer and handsome cabinets 220 wiring for clothes dryer Living room and hat carpeted walllo-wall picture win dow door Front yard has lawn shrubs and tree Pear and side yard fencing 2 car garage Street lights Only 518800 closing costs 5200 on FHA 235 program Call agent at 927-0238 117 Dogs Birds Pets-- For Salo and Wanted 1 PUREBRED Vorkthire pups wki no parsers S75 33t-2677 1ARKAKEETS cages nesting' Milo 422-8136 aft 5 AT STUD black labrador AKE) 125-2112 Citrus Ht BLACK LAB ournsies VS to $25 Cau 922-754 MIXED PUPPIES for sale males females It wks S-4 ea 442-Oria outs Laves children shots 422-IA5 BEAGLE twos wks S25 ea 1-1 725-4280- P6501LES Eigute white malts AKE S50 48i-4490 MALAMUTE Husky femr--AKC 2 iors to good home 991-3206 rA8 DIMS black or yellow S1SS25i Gndley 846'2251 --1 -DOBERMAN PUODIeS i73 AKC tered co*ckER PUPS shots I sormedI S20 Dixon 0a-5655 10 AC Old house barn oak trees only SI (1110 tyleek Realty Wilton 4916 685-9901 560 AC ML Water fenced may split nart with buildIngs 5250 ber cc Agt45-0174 anytime 3 EDW home 130 walnut trees on 7'2 acres W0ton Area Ask for Pay Red Carbet Really 422-2240 APPROX 4 iscres w-barn Cross fenced Irrigated pasture 2 be home 524 000 SIO 000 eta 988-043q 31 ACRES well ear lake 3700 acre EZ terms Wynn Real Estate Line 145 2325 645-2201 RODEO Rancho 5 acres near Au burn good pasture area 7950 Call Dale Morris 4441830 Realtor STEWARTREALTY 8005 Florin Road Days 181-7561 Eve 913 1575 $200 Cash Required Need 5 or more person in family MEADOWVIEW VILLAS Directions: So on Freeway (US 99-50) to Florin Rd west go west to Franklin Blvd then So to Meadow view Rd west two tong blocks to Detroit Blvd and our len go sign So on Detroit to model homes Open 7 days 12 to Phone 4211976 MONEY to refinance Pay Up ERIN ImOr0Sle dour orooerty or jr chase Reasonable fees 8d Inter est Call Mr Davis Ol 12581 i SISSISS CASH FOR DEEDS OP IffUSI Money To Loan hi 2rds TOM DOVI CO 1531 I6th SE 4411491 4es 457 6371 WE BUY is? 2nd T04 JON uPOA PEALT1 2702 Fruitridoe Pd 471343212' Make lst 2nd Mortgages SUDDENLY! COURIE0s6L1! I JW "BI1" Stone 44475511 i i WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORES Andy Capp SHELL OIL 3HLLL viL ECAEIV 3 CAUSTOGA CALIF This $6 your onoortunity to own a retailing nationally adver Has Sfation For lease In ItivA and arceoted home anolienceS ouslness retalitho nationany tised and accepted home appliances WISH NER WOUIINIT Rib ToAT BIKE WHEN NERNE sAtI A FEW 161 11 FiUD FAST 1ST 2N0 LOANS LOWEST PATES ft PAYMENTS STATE CAPITOL INVESTMANT 422 7ifft Or Eies 4281483 EL DORADO SAVINGS LOAN Hwy 50 A Cefiter St Plconfill I5 Main St JACIASON 148 St Charles St San Andreas WE PURCHASE Peal Estate toans Unrnoroved Ind Contrarts of Sale WAta4 Contracts ARIZ COOK 8'1 SI 448 7181 pi IT MAKES frg )13)1at 44- 111 etivzsl- tct: 1 1 I 4' Alor II THERE'S A Lat OF IT ABOUT' Vo'" '1111114te' IP my O'REET-BEAGLEtriTolor mat 272l vrs pots Cast 48111S1 1 -PREE-tO stood home Lab-Huskio male 3 MOS 3311021 ilAMESE kittens A wks Id pureIred Sl5 ea AKC PUPPIES OCYTOD PET CENTER 411217 SHEPHERD nuns A weeks Vd 925-1930 1 AKC Cairn Terrier VS AKC dale 545 Male adults 988-'17A -DOBERMAN female 5 ma Agti edrs cropped SI411 391496 DOBERAAAN tunnies AKC Eros weerebos 90-63 a Slim fem pui Pu re tore no poperA PUPPY INFORMATION For Information on reputable' 11eeoers contact Sacramento CouotC Of Dug CIpbs i i auto supplies rdi ao TV sportin VOOdi oOl fi PtC trm a you hew you in ll sta and Open your store and Otter many other benefits all tn I Quick cluded in mahmum required invest ment of S25000 No francnise tee no hidden artra charges Actior '4ESTENN AUTO N-84 Brb Larson 213-918-1451 510 lth St Cite of industry (aid ro 144 BEE Please mail all farts free showing how vou can help me succeed in a' orosoefous business of ms own I NAME ADDRESS WANT CITY STATE DIAL 444- PHONE NO Action BEE WANT DIAL 1 15 IPS Ds14 111 1106 Uol TV 7 QUIET 411r44tb W3M414 11111' I 1 4101111 tH VI IttODs1411111tml risssoogv La Tv ADS 444-3113 IVT)1d you like to own a business of your Own? Would you like to set your own oersonal finenriel goals? SHELL OFFERS 5 WEEKS PAID TRAINING AND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE For information tom LEW GOODRICH Did! 481-0400 E4es I Weekerds 483-1679 VOW su I WS lia Ito avanabie Man ovw before SIObb to S5 million On ist or 2nd Loans We butt iSI a I VIWN VOW 141d ePOADAV 04VS aaa M27 tes and eeekanqc alarjal Oi I.
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